Let’s talk about brats, shall we?

No, no. Not the sniveling kind you see pitching a fit over Superman in the toy aisle that makes you swear off having kids, ever. (Though the mother in me is now inclined to think there must just be something going on with the poor dear that is making him act out).

Not brats. Brawts brats. Bratwurst. And really by that, I’m just talking about grilling up some sausages – both meaty and faux-meaty – and making ourselves the quickest, easiest, and beer-friendliest meal around.

Quick and Easy Dinner for the Mixed-Diet Household: Bratwursts/Veggie Brats | Kitchen Treaty

Seriously, since we discovered Costco carries both Field Roast and Aidell’s (chicken sausages with pineapple and bacon, specifically), we have been on brat overload. In a good way. Brats have become one of our easy go-to, mixed-diet meals. Each side of the barbecue gets a sausage, we toast up a couple of cushy outdoor rolls, select from an assortment of toppings (mustard, ketchup, relish, sweet onions – but sauerkraut is not a fave), pick a side dish or two, pick our beer, and dinner is on the table in less than 15 minutes.

Quick and Easy Dinner for the Mixed-Diet Household: Bratwursts/Veggie Brats | Kitchen Treaty

And so, if you’re living the mixed-diet veggie and carnivore life like we are (or even if you aren’t), here’s another quick and easy dinner idea for you.


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