For awhile there, I was posting tips every week. And then, much to my surprise, I did’t have as many kitchen tips stored away in my noggin’ as I had thought. So I ran out of tips. But today, after pitting a bunch of cherries in no time flat without any official cherry-pitting tools, I’m inspired – and so I’m back with this doozie of a tip! And this isn’t just a tip, it’s a tip about a tip. Read on. That will make sense in a minute.

I’m far too excited about rediscovering this awesome little summertime kitchen hack. Are you ready to learn the easiest way to pit a cherry (without a pitter)? You need just one teeny tiny little kitchen item to make this happen. Are you ready? Drumroll please …

The Easiest Way to Pit a Cherry (Without a Pitter!)

See that white thing there, the one with the strange eye and the menacing grin? Yep, that’s an icing tip! Okay, so usually icing tips are silver and metal, not white and plastic, but this one was all I could find in my kitchen – and it works just as well.

So here’s what you do.

You dig through your drawers to find an icing tip, preferably one that shoots out star-shaped icing, because its edges are almost serrated and they cut through the cherry easier. But other shapes will do fine, too.

Now pull the stem off your cherry. And push the tip into the top, and keep pushing, gently but firmly, twisting the frosting tip back and forth a bit to help cut through the cherry.

The Easiest Way to Pit a Cherry (Without a Pitter!)

If you’re photographing the whole affair, please, for the love of God, make sure you have nail polish remover in the house. Because you do not want to be like me.

And then, whomp! There it is! Out comes the pit! Right out of the bottom. The icing tip pushed it right out.

The Easiest Way to Pit a Cherry (Without a Pitter!)

Oh, cherry.

The Easiest Way to Pit a Cherry (Without a Pitter!)

Now you’re ready to pit a whole bunch of cherries in record time.

The Easiest Way to Pit a Cherry (Without a Pitter!)

Take that, big fancy cherry pitters of the world!

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