It’s hard to believe Christmas is already over. With a little one in the house who is finally old enough to really “get” Christmas, the holidays were pretty darn magical this year. Even though, today,  I’m feeling a little let down after all the go-go-go excitement, I always do inevitably love this week that’s sandwiched between the frenetic craziness of Christmas and the clean slate of the New Year. A little down time to regroup and refresh.

I’ve been thinking a lot about Kitchen Treaty and how I want to shape the blog as we move into 2015 and beyond. People evolve, and so do blogs! For awhile now, our family has been moving more toward real, whole, unrefined, plant-based foods – and in 2015, you’ll continue to see more of that in my recipes. Whole wheat flour instead of all-purpose; pure maple syrup instead of granulated sugar – those kinds of things. Simple will remain key; health will be a focus. Frankly, this vegetarian needs to eat way more vegetables – and a lot less of all the other stuff. As long as my motivation holds, you’ll probably see that reflected here. 🙂 Instead of strictly one-dish-two-ways recipes, I’m thinking about posting more vegetarian and vegan recipes, but with meaty additions suggested in the notes or within the blog post – we’re still a mixed-diet home, after all, and we don’t see that changing.

These days, though, our “kitchen treaty” extends beyond vegetarian vs. carnivore. There are many kitchen battles that can be had (and at least semi-peacefully resolved, for that matter): Dealing with a picky toddler. Check. Lack of time to make the kinds of family-friendly, home-cooked meals you want to make for your loved ones. Check. Needing to step away from the kinds of foods that aren’t so great for you and embrace those leafy greens. Check check.

So, in 2015, this Kitchen Treaty is likely extend into other areas of potential kitchen conflict, with a (hopefully) happy resolution for each. In 2015, let’s keep our kitchens simple, peaceful, and fun. Make Food, Not War.

But let’s take a quick look back, first, shall we? It’s always fun to see which recipes were the most popular among Kitchen Treaty readers, pinners, and Googlers over the course of the year. I go by the most-visited recipes I created within the year. And I can honestly say I’m always surprised at what resonates the most (and what falls flat, for that matter). One word that defines every single one of the most popular 2014 recipes, though? Unfussy. Which is great! Because we’re definitely about simplicity around here these days.

Here are the 5 Top Recipes of 2014!

Kitchen Treaty's 5 Top Recipes of 2014


#5: Watermelon Coconut Agua Fresca

Kitchen Treaty's 5 Top Recipes of 2014 - #5: Watermelon Coconut Aqua Fresca


#4: Jalapeno Mac & Cheese

Kitchen Treaty's 5 Top Recipes of 2014 - #4 Jalapeno Mac and Cheese


#3: Fluffy Pumpkin Pancakes

Kitchen Treaty's Top 5 of 2014 - #3: Fluffy Pumpkin Pancakes


#2: Sea Salt & Honey No-Churn Ice Cream

Kitchen Treaty's 5 Top Recipes of 2014 - #2: Sea Salt and Honey No-Churn Ice Cream


And, drum roll please! The number one recipe of 2014 is:

#1: One Pot Creamy Pumpkin Pasta!

At first bite, I knew I had a hit on my hands with this one! I was so happy to see the recipe take off.

Top recipes of 2014: One Pot Creamy Pumpkin Pasta

Kitchen Treaty's 5 Top Recipes of 2014 - #1: One Pot Creamy Pumpkin Pasta

Happy New Year!


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